Documentation Updates

Created: Modified: Documentation

The following feature documentation was recently updates in Imprivata Mobile Access Management (formerly Imprivata GroundControl).

Feature SummaryArticle Links
ModMed gKiosk app integrationModMed gKiosk
Apple diagnostic profileConfigure an Apple Diagnostic Profile
Bulk retire devicesDevices
Set Launchpad automatic upgrades to off for net new organizationsLaunchpads
Renamed Cache tab to Assets tabAssets
Feature SummaryArticle Links
Configuring Epic Rover LogoutConfigure Epic Rover Logout
About AppConfig
Locker Android Launch App after CheckoutAutomatically Launch an App after Checkout – Android
Bretford Hub UpdatesUpdate Smart Hub Firmware
Dashboard updates to display Active Users and Heartbeat tilesDashboard
Suppress Blue LED in Checkout WorkflowsBasic Checkout Workflow – iOS
Basic Checkout Workflow – Android
About Smart Hubs
Launchpad Suppress Blue LEDLaunchpad Details
Locker Diagnostics Test Push NotificationCapturing detailed logs for support
Locker Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Locker iOS: Imprivata Email Attribute for Authenticating to Authenticate to Microsoft Apps Integrate Imprivata OneSign
Authenticate to Microsoft Apps on iOS Devices with GroundControl
Support for Microsoft Intune Managed Home Screen Session PINConfigure Locker Android App and Intune Managed Home Screen
Locker Diagnostics Available from a Checked Out DeviceThe Locker App
Locker Diagnostics and Troubleshooting