Configure a Default Domain

Created: Documentation

Applies to iOS and Android devices.

Designate a default domain so the end user does not always have to choose from the domain drop-down list before authenticating.

  • During checkout, the user is prompted to enter credentials for the default domain.
  • On the device, the user is still able to manually change their domain from the default domain to another one. On the next login, Locker defaults back to the default domain.
  • When enrolling a badge during device checkout, the default domain is displayed.

Take note of the following prerequisites:

  • Requires that your MAM organization be enabled for Check Out.
Configure Locker Custom Options to Set the Default Domain

Use Locker Custom Options to set the default domain by one of the following methods:

  • At a global level by an Admin > Check Out setting.
  • To multiple devices by adding the Locker Custom Options to your Workflow.
  • To a single device by its Device Details.
Add Locker Custom Options Globally
  • In the MAM admin console, navigate to Admin > Check Out > Locker Custom Options, click Configure.
  • In the Locker Custom Options field, enter the key/value pair in JSON format and click Save.
    JSON Syntax

    "DefaultDomain": "yourDomainName"


  • The DefaultDomain is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain.
  • The DefaultDomain value does not support wildcards.
  • The DefaultDomain value is not case sensitive.

    "DefaultDomain": ""
Add Locker Custom Options to Multiple Devices

To apply custom options to multiple devices at once, add the Locker Custom Options action to a Workflow.

  1. In the MAM admin console, navigate to Workflows.
  2. Create a new Workflow, or edit an existing Workflow.
  3. Click Add an action > Advanced > Locker Custom Options.
  4. Enter the key/value pairs in JSON format and click Save.
  5. Click Save Workflow and deploy to the devices.
Add Locker Custom Options to a Single Device

To apply custom options to a single device:

  1. In the MAM admin console, navigate to Devices, and select the device from the device list.
  2. In the Device Details dialog, click Custom Options.
  3. Click Edit, enter the key/value pairs in JSON format and click Save.
  4. Click Deploy Workflow to deploy to the device.