Quick Start Guide

Created: Modified: Knowledge Base

Here are some steps to get you get started using GroundControl:

  1. Create an account on the GroundControl server.  If someone at your company has already created an account, ask them to invite you.
  2. Obtain and set up the GroundControl Launchpad.
  3. Tell iTunes to stop activating devices. (IMPORTANT!)
  4. Create a deployment payload.
  5. Using an erased iOS device, deploy your first payload.

If you have any questions, ask us at support@groundctl.com. We are always looking for feedback.

General Navigation

You can navigate GroundControl by clicking on any one of the tabs.

Quick Start 1

Payloads: Create and edit deployment payloads. Payloads may include multiple actions, including:

  • Erase
  • Restore from Backup
  • Update iOS
  • Add WiFi
  • Set Name
  • Set Lock and Home Screen
  • Set Language and Locale
  • Add Configuration Profile
  • Remove from Device
  • Power Off
  • and more.

Policies: The policies you set for automatic deployment. In other words, what happens when you plug an iOS device into a Launchpad running on Mac.

Launchpads: View and edit the Launchpads you have connected to GroundControl.

Devices: A listing of all devices known by GroundControl. Enter Custom Fields information, and upload additional devices from csv.

Activity: A listing of current and past deployments.

Access additional functions and setup via the Welcome menu:

Quick Start 2

Settings:  MDM, Custom Fields, Account and Team information. If you are your organization’s Console Admin, you may edit and manage these settings (like inviting additional users!)

Assets:  List, download and delete the files you have added to payloads.