We’re almost done!
Before using your own ID cards and directory, we recommend you get started with a simple system built into GroundControl. GroundControl provides a hosted user directory for evaluation, and a simple “Pinpad” web application. With these two systems, you can create users (real or imaginary) and assign each a PIN. This PIN will be used for identity and to check out devices.
IMPORTANT: This system is inherently insecure and intended only for evaluation use. Also, this system cannot be used to test Password AutoFill.
In the GroundControl Admin Console, navigate to Admin > Check Out.
1. Set the Authentication Method to GroundControl Pinpad, and set the Identity Provider to GroundControl User Service.
2. To open the User Directory, click Open Users. This is a web application to maintain a simple, hosted, user directory.
3. Click Add User to add the scanned badge ID and a username. This system does not integrate with your organization’s canonical user directory, so you can choose any user name. Also create a simple numeric PIN such as “123”.
4. Click Add and the web app will add the user to the directory.
After you add a few users, you may close the User Directory and return to GroundControl. It’s time to test!
Next: Using the Pinpad App